Tag Archives: puppy

today: a walk

“One cannot spend forever sitting and solving the mysteries of one’s history.”
-Lemony Snicket, genius of a children’s writer that he is, though maybe he’s a she. I have no idea.

“I profane this moment when I won’t stay in it.”
Ann Voskamp

Among other things, having a puppy has caused me to have to go for walks in addition to running. This is a good thing, because on our walks, narcissism tends to get dismissed in favor of seeing. Busyness falls to the wayside of being. If narcissism and busyness pair to ravage and disease this society, then getting out of doors and seeing a world created and called good just might be the awe-striking remedy needed to make this girl regroup and refocus. And I don’t even live in a neighborhood that is particularly awe-inspiring. It’s just that a searching eye cannot help but find beauty, especially if that eye is made to be expectant. I hunger for such moments. God in His infinite kindness is gracious enough to help me see. That seeing provokes belief.
